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Minion Masters - Crystal Conquest 支援簡中

售價$439元 降價通知

  • 商品分級青少年

  • 累計好評12

  • 贈送積分439

  • 結帳方式

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[email protected]



  • 遊戲分級:青少年
  • 限區:台灣 [ TW ]
  • 配送:數位授權 [ 電子郵件 ]

遊戲名稱:Minion Masters - Crystal Conquest  支援簡中


【 遊戲簡介 】

Engage in epic 1v1 or 2v2 battles, in this fast-paced strategic minion brawler that's easy to pick-up but hard to master. 

In Minion Masters there are many different Masters with unique hero abilities and you collect awesome minions ranging from: Fierce demons, cute creatures, devastating spells and much more. 

Utilize your minions to destroy the enemy Master! When a minion has been summoned they can no longer be controlled, so place them wisely to win!

Will become free to play

Dear player, we would like to make you aware that Minion Masters will be Free to play in the future. If you buy the Early Access version you will get an exclusive Arena and a great gift when the game is released! Plus 1 extra tradeable Minion Masters key you get right away when you buy the game.

Game Modes

1v1 - Fight against other players and see how far your skills can take you. The rank of Grandmaster awaits if you can become one of the best!

2v2 - Join with your friend or queue up with randoms to take down other teams in this super intense 2v2 action. Twice the minions, twice the action! 

1v1 Draft - Build your deck from a random selection of cards each run. You gain better rewards if you defeat more opponents, but be careful, 3 losses and you're out!

Solo challenges - Complete solo challenges and hone your skills by practicing against Ai Masters!

Legendary Masters

Learning how to use your master’s abilities to their full potential and building your deck up around them is crucial for victory! Each Master has their own unique personality and play-style, which creates opportunities for all kinds of strategies! Only the most determined players can learn to utilize a Master to their full potential!

Unlock and Craft Mighty Minions and Spicy Spells!

We have more than 100 unique cards (minions, spells, buildings) with more being added all the time!

Like the peace-loving Mana Puff, that gives you extra mana when it's happy - which is always!

Or the Troubadour, who refuses to do anything but play his bagpipe, making all the other minions attack him regardless of what else is going on just to make it stop... 

Of course, you could also get the Undying Skeleton who comes back to life after you kill it!


New expeditions appear in the game all the time. Travel around the world of Minion Masters to explore new worlds, fight other players and defeat PvE challenges that lead to epic loot!


We believe in creating a forever fun and always engaging experience in Minion Masters, so we regularly spice things up with new events that last for a limited time. They range from challenges, friend events, tournaments, new game modes, bonus quests and many more.


We have a thriving community in our steam forums, ingame and on our discord channel where both developers and players answer questions, discuss and help you learn the game. 

Come join us now!! Discord Link: https://discord.gg/XbE8X4j


Customize your character with epic skins! 

You can even change your side of the playing area to a look that suits you, by swapping your arena with a new one. Want to fight on a lava world? Maybe in a sunken temple? Or a graveyard? There are many more options and the choice is yours.


Several community-driven tournaments have emerged around the game. Different tournaments happen every month, some for cash prizes, others for in-game currency or just bragging rights! 

Are you the best? Prove it!

You can read more about this and other amazing stuff on our blog: http://blog.betadwarf.com/

Twitch Streamer Feature

With the Twitch feature you can link your twitch account and by winning our special streamer events, you can get rewards for you and your viewers. We also feature twitch streamers in the game so people can see who is streaming.

Feature List

1v1 Ranked

2v2 Ranked


PvE challenges

9 Masters (More coming soon!)

100+ cards/minions (More coming soon!)


Active Community

E-Sports scene

Crafting system

Ingame chat and emotes.

Recurring stream event

Master skins (More coming soon!)

Custom arena skins. (More coming soon!)



Rapid game updates!

Collect your own Arenas!

Season rankings!

Gorgeous 3D visuals that we are always updating and working on!

Pick one of a bajillion strategies

Did we mention the Puffs? There’s even a King Puff!

Gameplay description

Each player has a pool of mana and a deck of 10 cards (minions/spells/buildings). 

A card can costs between 0-10 mana and your mana regenerates over time during the match.

There are 2 bridges in the middle that you need to capture and hold. They generate experience so your hero can level up his abilities before the enemy.

You place minions on your side of the arena and the goal is to have them destroy the enemy’s tower. 

Minions have minds of their own and once you have summoned them, they can no longer be controlled, so place them wisely!

Most minions have unique abilities. A few examples of this are: AOE damage, healing, teleporting, mana regen, flying and many more.

Spells can be used to change the flow of the game in your favour. Spells such as healing, mind control or stuns can be devastating in the hands of a skilled player.

Each hero has unique abilities that change the game drastically as they become active. 

Awareness, strategy and dedication is needed if you want to become great at the game.

Join in and have fun in our amazing world of Minion Masters! 

- The Betadwarf team

【 系統需求 】



作業系統: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10

處理器: Intel Core i3, 2.4 Ghz or equivalent

記憶體: 4 GB 記憶體

顯示卡: Nvidia Geforce GT 240 or equivalent, minimum 512 MB of VRAM

DirectX: 版本:10

網路: 寬頻網際網路連線

儲存空間: 6 GB 可用空間

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