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戰神:狂神天威3 Warlords Battlecry III

原價 折扣 節省
$419.00 7.9 $90
剩餘時間 請稍等, 正在載入中...
4 好評
戰神:狂神天威3 Warlords Battlecry III


遊戲名稱:戰神:狂神天威3 Warlords Battlecry III





【 遊戲介紹 】


  《戰神:狂神天威》系列以首創將 RPG 要素融入即時戰略而聞名,國外在不久前推出了英文版第三代,國內代理商光譜資訊表示目前封面畫及遊戲中文化工作都已完成,預計 9 月 22 日將全面上市。


  《戰神:狂神天威 3》不同於一般即時戰略只能靠研發提升能力,而是導入了英雄和昇級系統,藉由戰鬥提升經驗值,學習魔法和技能。愛好單打獨鬥的玩家可以專注於培養英雄本身的戰鬥力,將遊戲當成純動作 RPG 看待;喜好即時戰略的玩家,則可以著重提高英雄的領導能力與魅力,吸引更多隨從加入部署戰鬥。


  遊戲中共有 16 個種族,28 種職業,數量之多在同型態即時戰略遊戲裡相當少見,而且各種族和職業還能任意搭配,惡魔族可以當賢者,妖精族也可以當破壞者,讓玩家享受不設限的自由。




Warlords Battlecry III further expands the Battlecry tradition of featuring persistent RPG-like fantasy heroes with its retinue of loyal followers fighting massive battles in the Warlords' world of Etheria. It is a true sequel to Warlords Battlecry I & II, featuring many familiar races and troop-types, while also adding some new ones into the mix. 


Warlords Battlecry III continue to perfect its automated feature system, greatly reducing gameplay micromanagement and quickly proving to be the holy grail of RTS games among gamers of the genre. 


While being a strong RTS outright, there are also numerous activities for players to engage in between battles, such as obtaining titles and awards, trading and purchasing items & retinue members, and even an upgradeable castle to reflect your importance and influence in the world of Etheria. 


Extra features included in Warlords Battlecry III are specifically geared to please the legions of previous Battlecry players, including the removal of hero and unit caps, the addition of new special abilities for high-level heroes and the creation of an intuitive hero system. All of these features, coupled with new races and hero classes, new spells and items, and new building and dragons meld to form a Real-Time Strategy game that once again raises the benchmark for other games in the genre. Warlords Battlecry III is poised to receive even greater accolades than the previous award-winning titles in the Warlords Battlecry series. 





【 系統需求 】



作業系統: Windows 98 / ME / 2000 / XP / Vista / 7 

處理器: 1.0 GHz Processor 

記憶體: 128 MB 記憶體 

圖像: 100% DirectX compatible graphics 

Storage: 1 GB 可用空間 

音效卡: 100% DirectX compatible card or onboard sound




作業系統: Windows 98 / ME / 2000 / XP / Vista / 7 

處理器: 1.5 GHz Processor 

記憶體: 256 GB 記憶體 

圖像: 100% DirectX compatible graphics 

Storage: 1 GB 可用空間 

音效卡: 100% DirectX compatible card or onboard sound

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