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The Withering

原價 折扣 節省
$419.00 9.5 $20
剩餘時間 請稍等, 正在載入中...
1 好評
The Withering


遊戲名稱:The Withering









【 遊戲簡介 】


"The Withering" is a modern world post apocalyptic survival horror simulator. The story puts players in a world where a terrible viral infection wiped 90% of the population, which in return triggered a series of catastrophic events laying devastation on already dying world. 


The gameplay consists of two elements, a turn based management and a real time action survival simulation. During the management gameplay players take control of a survivors camp and manage it's population by assigning different tasks, building up camp defenses, constructing building, managing upgrades / production and diplomacy. Players will also have to make decisions at random encounters and events, making each gameplay experience different. Defend your camp in a turn based tactical combat simulation from hordes of infected or bandit raids. Craft and equip your survivors with different kits to help them on their missions, or form raiding parties to take resources from other camps by force.


Player are also able to create and manage custom characters, and are able at any time leave their camp to explore the dying world. Taking control of their characters in a third person action / simulator to scavenge resources, materials and equipment that can be brought back to their camp and used in production / upgrades and fortification tasks. Random in world events and loot drops and different enemy types will make each play through different. Develop custom characters stats to increase melee and firearms skills as well as character physical performance by spending experience points earned during the real time action gameplay and running successful missions in the management gameplay.



【 系統需求 】

基本配備 :

作業系統: Windows 7 

理器: Intel (R) i5 - 4200U CPU 1.6 GHz 

記憶體: 6144 MB 記憶體 

圖像: Intel (R) HD Graphics Family, SM:3.0 

DirectX: 版本:9.0 

Storage: 6394 MB 可用空間 

Additional Notes: The game might run on lower specs, but that configuration will not be supported.



作業系統: Windows 8.x 

處理器: Intel (R) i7 - 980 CPU 3.33 GHz 

記憶體: 16 GB 記憶體 

圖像: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 

DirectX: 版本:9.0 

Storage: 6394 MB 可用空間

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