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英雄與女兒+ Hero and Daughter+

原價 折扣 節省
$419.00 6.7 $140
剩餘時間 請稍等, 正在載入中...
1 好評
英雄與女兒+ Hero and Daughter+


遊戲名稱英雄與女兒+ Hero and Daughter+




【 遊戲介紹 】 


《英雄與女兒 +》中玩家將扮演九十九等級封頂的傳奇英雄 Ralph ,奉國王之命要去消滅妄想統治世界的黑暗領主, Ralph 因為自己等級過高所以認為這項任務毫無挑戰性,國王看不慣對方高高在上的態度,於是命令屬下拐騙 Ralph 飲用會將等級初始化的藥水。等級變為一的勇者 Ralph 惱羞成怒反被守衛秒殺羞辱,傳奇英雄變成連史萊姆都打不贏的遜咖狗熊,究竟 Ralph 要如何擊敗黑暗領主再次拯救世界呢?經過酒吧擁有者 Summoner 協助之下,將冒險取得的召喚石成為媒介就能召喚出女伴們作為得力助手,俗話說得好:「在家靠父母,出外靠朋友。」只要集結眾人之力絕對可以成功拯救世界,廢材主角與後宮團的奇幻冒險正式展開!




分享一下筆者第二次到第四次召喚出的人物:第二次召喚出現的女伴是有開放恐懼症而懼怕接觸外在世界的被虐狂 Priscilla ,特性是血防極高且越受傷越開心;第三次召喚出的女伴是有著重度自閉症的 Yumel ,特性是話少又不擅長跟人相處,不過魔法攻擊是她的強項;第四次召喚取得的女伴是平凡村姑 Felice ,特性是專精醫療輔助,遊戲目前支援超過三十種女伴供玩家召喚,要全部練到九百九十九等級需要花上不少時間。



This is the classic story of good old Ralph, the legendary hero from RPG Maker VX Ace, on his quest to defeat the diabolical Demon Lord. Ralph has been reduced to Level 1, and must rely on a cast of ladies straight out of the daydreams of the game's creator in order to succeed on his quest! Hero and Daughter+ is a game about serious dungeon crawling, fun-loving comedy, and beautiful, powerful girls! 


The first Japanese RPG Maker game to be fully translated and made available on Steam for an English audience, Hero and Daughter+ received the top prize at the NikoNiko Indie Game Festival - Japan's biggest indie game contest! Mr. Koichi Nakamura, the creator of the Dragon Quest series and Mystery Dungeon: Shiren The Wanderer, gave Hero and Daughter+ high praise! 



A quirky RPG where the hero is severely underpowered 

Summon over 30 powerful, talented, and magical girls to do all your fighting for you 

Use stat boosts to help Ralph survive his harrowing, heroic journey 

More than 10 hours of storyline play with enough side quests and features to keep you in the game for as long as you want 

Defeat the Challenge Tower's 9,999 levels... Good luck with that 

Tons of items, weapons, and armor to keep your team safe as they lunge forward into dangerous dungeons 

Customizable and upgradable player housing 

A heavy focus on character interactions with lots of special scenes for each playable character 

Full of humor that plays spectacularly on RPG tropes 

Warning: Some of the female characters are scantily clad - may not be suitable for children





【 系統需求 】



作業系統: Windows XP or Higher 

處理器: 1ghz 

記憶體: 256 MB 記憶體 

Storage: 300 MB 可用空間

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