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黎明死線 電鋸驚魂版 組合包 Dead by Daylight: The Saw Big Bundle 支援繁中

原價 折扣 節省
$1229.00 6.7 $410
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黎明死線 電鋸驚魂版 組合包 Dead by Daylight: The Saw Big Bundle 支援繁中


遊戲名稱:黎明死線 電鋸驚魂版 Dead by Daylight: The Saw Big Bundle 支援繁中




包含 3 個項目:

Dead by Daylight


 Dead by Daylight - the Saw Chapter

【 關於此遊戲 】

 Saw [2004]

Two men wake up in a room, without any knowledge of how they ended up there. Soon they discover they’re held captive by a crazed serial killer. The only way for them to survive is to play his twisted game and follow the rules.

Dead by Daylight: The Saw Chapter

They say that it’s good for the human race to solve puzzles, to make use of our highly developed brain. To get some of that “positive stress”. But there’s a limit. A lethal limit where blood gets involved and we create memories of something we rather forget. The Pig is the puzzlemaster, and we are the test subjects.

The Saw Chapter is a Chapter for Dead by Daylight. It includes a new Killer, a Survivor and a Map.

Dead by Daylight Base Game

Dead by Daylight is a multiplayer (4vs1) horror game where one player takes on the role of the savage Killer, and the other four players play as Survivors, trying to escape the Killer and avoid being caught, tortured and killed.

Survivors play in third-person and have the advantage of better situational awareness. The Killer plays in first-person and is more focused on their prey.

The Survivors' goal in each encounter is to escape the Killing Ground without getting caught by the Killer - something that sounds easier than it is, especially when the environment changes every time you play.

【 遊戲介紹 】 


《Dead by Daylight》是一款多人(4對1)恐怖遊戲,由一名玩家扮殘暴殺手,其餘的四名玩家則扮演逃生者。逃生者試圖從殺手的魔爪下逃亡,避免被他捉住、折磨及殺死。







•殺手的盛宴:《Dead by Daylight》來自恐怖世界的各個角落。身為殺手,你可以選擇扮演從強大劊子手到可怖超自然惡靈的任何角色。熟悉你的殺戮之地並熟練掌握殺手的獨特能力以獵捕、抓住並獻祭你的受害者。







【 系統需求 】




作業系統: 64-bit Operating Systems (Windows 7, Windows 8.1)

處理器: Intel Core i3-4170 or AMD FX-8120

記憶體: 8 GB 記憶體

顯示卡: DX11 Compatible GeForce GTX 460 1GB or AMD HD 6850 1GB

DirectX: 版本:11

網路: 寬頻網際網路連線

儲存空間: 25 GB 可用空間

音效卡: DX11 compatible

備註: With these requirements, it is recommended that the game is played on Low quality settings.


需要 64 位元的處理器及作業系統

作業系統: 64-bit Operating Systems (Windows 7, Windows 8.1 or above)

處理器: Intel Core i3-4170 or AMD FX-8300 or higher

記憶體: 8 GB 記憶體

顯示卡: DX11 Compatible GeForce 760 or AMD HD 8800 or higher with 4GB of RAM

DirectX: 版本:11

網路: 寬頻網際網路連線

儲存空間: 25 GB 可用空間

音效卡: DX11 compatible

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